
Hello everyone!

This is my first blog on my new website. I have so many things I want to write about I am really having some inner turmoil issues on where to start. There is so much content out there right now it really is a struggle to figure out how to make yourself stand out. First and foremost my goal is to get the truth out about yoga and what it is. Then of course trying to sprinkle in my many personalities on top of it. Because you know, having just one is boring!

So this post is mainly about getting ideas from those of you who join me in classes or run across my page and want to add their two sense, in a conductive way of course. What I am really looking for is what isn’t out there, or what is out there but we need more of.

First question, what kind of social media content do you want to see? Currently most of the yoga content out there is people getting themselves into these super flexible, complicated, hard to reach poses that are hard to relate to for most. Viewers see these poses and feel like yoga isn’t for them because they’re not that flexible. So I would like to start adding content that viewers want to see. But what exactly do you want to see? Easy poses with descriptions? Information about the other 7 limbs of yoga and not just the asana’s? Anything with energy healing? Please tell me what you would like to see to get you motivated to do more yoga?!

Second question, what kind of video content would you want to see? Currently I am only doing live streaming and in person classes. I have considered incorporating video content as well so you can access what you want when you have time. But with all of the video content out there what would you want to see? Is it enough to just add myself into my videos and not do anything in particular that others aren’t doing? Personality has a lot to do with whether or not people stick with you. When your personality meshes with your instructors personality and yoga style its easy to want to go back for more.

Third question, what type of content would you want to see in my blog? Do you want to hear about my life as a teacher, my home life meshed with my teaching life, my personal yoga practice and its struggles, energy healing and the benefits, all of the aforementioned? What kind of content are you as the reader interested in reading about? I can add content about my learnings on the 8 limbs, my personal journey, my life as a yoga teacher., anything really I am merely interested in what would keep people interested in reading more.

Last question, what do you like to see in a yoga/energy healing website? When you pop in to the front page what kind of information would you want to see there? Right now my website is very simple and straight forward and eventually I would like to add more information to it. This is my business seed and I intend to grow it into a beautiful thriving tree. So I need to know what viewers want to see and are interesting in knowing more about!

To answer these questions comment below or if your response is lengthy her you prefer it more private please feel free to use the contact box! Lets see how much spam and bots respond and blow me up! haha


Yoga Bag Review