Energy Healing


  • Bars

    Access Bars is a process in which a trained practitioner lightly touches 32 points on your head which dissipates the electromagnetic charge that gets locked in our brains by the thoughts, feelings, and emotions that we have stored over lifetimes. It helps to get rid of any negative thoughts that have been stored in your head causing depression, anxiety.




    Deeper Sleep

    Dissipate Stress

    Unlock Creativity

    Find Calm and Clarity

    Melt Emotional Overwhelm

    Money Flows


    Body Bliss

    Ease with Exams

    And More

  • Energetic Facelift

    Similar to Access Bars, the practitioner lightly touches, or accesses, different energies that run through the face and neck. By accessing these points the practitioner is releasing the blocked energy that has been trapped there. In doing this, the face and neck muscles relax and gain a bit of its elasticity back. This is a non-invasive, stress relieving, all natural, relaxing way to reverse the signs of aging.


    Smooth Bags Under Eyes

    Lighten Dark Circles

    Smooth Frown Lines

    Relieve Tension Lines

    Relax RBF

    Smooth Wrinkles Around Eyes

    Smooth Wrinkles Around Brows and Forehead

    Tightens Skin on Chest

    Gives a Gentle Breast Lift

  • Reiki

    Reiki is a hand-on healing technique that channels energy into the patient which allows the body to relax so that it may heal naturally. Reiki literally translates in "universal life for energy". The practitioner is channeling that energy into the patient allowing them to heal either emotionally, physically, or both by increasing the life force energy with in them. It is a completely safe process that can work in conjunctions with any medical treatments. Reiki helps to speed up the healing process and add energy into the body when it may be low or not enough to fully heal the patient. There are many benefits to Reiki as it not only treats the body but also treats emotions, mind, and spirit.


    Relieves Stress and Tension

    Accelerates the Bodies Self-Healing Abilities

    Aid in Healing Physical Injuries

    Helps Break Addiction

    Pain Reliever

    Opens Up Energy Blocks

    Helps to Remove Toxins in the Body

    Immune System Boost

    Relieves Fatigue

    Increase Energy

    Relieves Stress

    Unlock Suppressed Feelings

    Helps to Sooth Emotional Distress

    Promotes a Peaceful and Positive Outlook

    Balances Hormones

    Boosts Self-Esteem

    Reduces Depression

    Aids in Concentration

    Reduces Anxiety

    Increases Patience

    Gives a Feeling of Empowerment

    And Many More!

What does a session look like?

Energy healing sessions are painless and relaxing. All you have to do is come dressed in comfortable clothing, lay down on the massage bed or if you prefer in zero gravity chair, and relax! During session I offer low, comfortable lighting, diffuser running with relaxing essential oils, chakra stones charged with reiki energy lined up under the bed for added healing, a pillow, and a blanket. For the Bars and Facelift part of the session I only lightly touch your head, face, and shoulders to access energy points and open channels to release negative energy. Then for the Reiki part of your session I gently guide my hands over your body and energy points channeling energy into you to balance and open up the energy within you. This part requires no touching except maybe at joints (hips, knees, shoulders, sometimes hands and feet). If preferred, no touching is required during reiki at all.

What to expect after a session

During a session negative energy is being released, channels are being unblocked and opened up, and energy is being moved around. In doing this your body is essentially getting a scrub down. I like to think of it as your body is a series of pipes and we just poured a big bottle of draino down them. The draino takes time to work, breaking down the chunks and clogs to open the pipes up. When it comes to our bodies, the stagnant energy now has freedom to move and those clogged channels are now being opened up and moving freely. Basically, you are going to fill a little funny for about a day or so while your body gets used to this new freedom. Some people have said it almost feels like they have a hangover the next day. This is completely normal. Its going to take time for your body to adjust to what just happened to it. Give it a couple days and you should feel better than ever!.

Want to schedule?

Instead of having a schedule open for anyone to schedule appointments on I like to have discussions about what is needed and talk about a best time to have a session. My schedule changes constantly so its easier to have a discussion about availability. So in order to schedule appointments all you have to do is pop over to my scheduling page and submit a form. I will respond promptly and have a discussion with you about getting a session scheduled! You can use that opportunity to ask any questions you have. The link below will send you straight to the scheduling page. Hope to see you soon!