What is Yoga?

Yoga means “to yoke” or “union”. It is a union of body, mind and spirit. Yoga is more than just the physical practices (asanas) that you see in classes, studios, and online. The physical practices (Asanas) are but one of 8 limbs of yoga. The 8 limbs are to help guide you to living with more integrity, self-discipline, connection with the spirit, respect for everything around you, a to help detach you from emotional and physical bonds.

You do not have to be flexible or in shape to start a yoga asana practice. The beautiful, perfect, flexible poses you see in images are not what yoga is. Yoga is about going with in yourself and finding a balance spiritually, mentally, and physically. The yoga asanas we see here in the United States are merely that, Asanas that have been turned into a form of fitness.


improves strength

improves balance

improves flexibility

Relives back pain

Ease arthritis symptoms

Benefits heart health

Relaxes the body and mind

Increased energy

Mood booster

Relieves stress

Connects you to the spirit

Promotes better self care

and many more depending on how much you deepen your yoga practice

Current Class Offerings

  • Delaware Community Center YMCA

    Classes offered at the YMCA are not offered through Phoenix Bodhi Wellness. The YMCA is separate and you would need to contact them about attending these classes.

  • Virtual Classes

    Virtual classes can be either live or recorded. I offer recorded classes free for anyone that pays for a monthly subscription. Virtual classes are offered sometimes in replacement of in person or as a bonus class.

Sometimes I add classes in different locations or offer a scheduled virtual class. Any and all classes offered through Phoenix Bodhi Wellness LLC will be located under the Yoga Classes link. Classes located at the Delaware Community Center YMCA are located on their own website through their own scheduling software. I have a designated page for classes offered at the YMCA that includes my schedule there and a link for scheduling. My website is built and managed by me (Chasity) so if you have any issues or questions please use my contact me form. Thank you.