
Meditation is a fantastic tool to help calm the body and mind.  Simply taking a few moments to breathe, sort through thoughts, and find a bit of peace can make a huge impact on your mood and how you continue your day/sleep.  Meditation can help you focus, can better your sleep, help manage stress and anxiety, increase self-awareness, reduce negative emotions, help to balance emotions, and many other wonderful benefits including some general health benefits.  I won’t go into extraneous details but do a quick internet search on the benefits of meditation to be awed and amazed!

There are even some tools to help keep you on track during your meditation. A Mala necklace is a popular tool used in meditation practices. A Mala necklace is composed of 108 beads, a guru bead, and a talisman or a tassel. The number 108 is a very sacred number in yoga. In sacred yoga texts like the Rig Veda and the Upanishads, there are 108 chapters. Sanskrit has 54 letters, multiplying that by 2 equals 108. In Ayurveda there are 108 marmas in the body. The guru bead represents gratitude, your connection to the divine, or can represent your teacher/guru. The tassel or talisman is another connection to the divine. To use a Mala necklace you start by holding the guru bead in your hands and setting your intention for you meditation. Then slide your fingers towards a bead next to the guru bead, take a full cycle of breath, repeat your manta or intention, then move to the next bead. Once you complete your last bead you either end your meditation, or turn the necklace around and move through the beads again. You never pass over your guru bead as it is a sign of disrespect.

Another tool that is often used for meditation are natural crystals and stones. Every crystal and stone has its own unique properties. Each element that makes up a crystal or stone vibrates at its own frequency. Therefor no two crystals or stones vibrate the same due to the makeup of elements within the stones. Everything is made up of energy and that energy vibrates at its own frequency. Take this into consideration when thinking about why different crystals and stones are said to benefit your body or mind in a specific way. When it comes to meditation these crystals and stones can be used to enhance your intentions energy.  My favorite meditation stone is the shiva lingam stone. The shiva stone’s meanings include divinity, unity, protection, and transformation. You can use crystals or stones in your meditation by simply placing them close to you, holding them in your hand, or placing them in your pocket.

Another tool to use in meditation is essential oils.  Using the right oils during a meditation can help promote relaxation and even trigger some emotions.  Obviously each person is different and has different reactions to different scents so know what your triggers are before using essential oils in your meditation. Essential oils have their own unique health benefits as well and can be used to help your mental or physical health while you meditate.  You can use essential oils in your meditation practice by diffusing them or mixing them with a carrier oil and applying it to your skin.  I’ve been using the At Peace Roll-on blend that I recently made with my Simply Earth Monthly Recipe Box subscription.  I apply the oil to my wrists and chest during my meditation.

When meditating its important that you find a comfortable place to relax without distractions. Obviously that can be challenging in our day to day lives but if your able to shut off your phone and find a time when you aren’t distracted by others it will greatly help your meditation practice. Meditating outside is the best place to do your meditation, if that is not an option than simply find a comfortable place to relax. Meditation is also not about completely clearing your mind. You can use meditation to help sort through a clutter of thoughts, you can picture your favorite vacation location in your mind and envision your there. To meditation, sit or relax in a comfortable position, allow your eyes to relax (either closed or only cracked open), set your intention or create a mantra, and find a steady breathe. Focusing on your breathe is also a great way to help you to relax and meditate easier. A meditation can last anywhere from 5 minutes to well, however long you decide you want to stay there.

Practicing a daily meditation is a great way to help relieve stress and anxiety and really enhances your overall quality of life. Even if it is only for 5 minutes. Doing a 5 minute meditation as soon as you wake up in the morning is a great way to start your day off calm, grounded, and focused. It also helps you unwind and declutter your thoughts before you go to sleep. The endless benefits of simply sitting quietly for an extended period of time is amazing. So go, meditate!


January Recipe Box


Finding myself